My 4 Girls

My 4 Girls

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Project: Mudroom/entry from garage

My third project is in my mudroom, or entry from the garage. It is a long wall that I just couldn't decide on what to do. I didn't really want anything fancy, because it's just a hallway to get to a 1/2 bath & the garage. I finally came to a decision. We got some supplies while at Home Depot last night. I spent about $35.00 on this project. And I will post pictures when it's done. (hopefully tomorrow?)

NeW YeArS ReSoLuTiOnS!!!

This year I have a bunch of resolutions, or projects that I've just been wanting to get done for sometime.

The First one, Well, keeping my blog updated. So here I am. I will try to be better at this.

The Second is getting my mailbox finished. We've lived in our house for almost 4 years (on Valentines Day), and still have our "temporary" particle board mailbox. Like I said, it was Feb. when me moved into our house, so we were waiting for it to warm up before landon made our mailbox. We had the rock from our house ,in a crate, on our front yard. The rock people thought we were done with it & came & picked up the crate. It's been like pulling teeth getting ahold of the people & getting enough rock back up here to finish the mailbox. Well, one of the contractors that My dad & Landon plumb for, had some leftover rock from another house. That rock just happened to be the same rock on our house, so he told Landon he could take it. YEAH!!! Last night after Landon brought the rock home, we headed to Logan to get the rest of the supplies (cinder blocks, mortar, etc.) to finish the project. Landon started on it today. I will post pics when it's finished